Saturday, August 30, 2008

Concert at Tivoli

Sorry about not blogging yesterday I didnt get home until about 5am. I had a lot of fun yesterday. We went all around Copenhagen and had our first class meeting which seemed like it lasted for forever. I really enjoyed all we did yesterday.

One of the things that we did at night was we went to this concert in Tivoli Gardens and saw a 80's music Danish group. It was really fun to watch all the people singing to the music. There were people from all ages there. It seemed like everyone knew the songs, no matter what their age was. It was fun but really crowded. There was no walking just shoving and pushing. It only cost about $15 to get in which I though was pretty reasonable. We were going to ride some of the rides but we couldnt find any of the entrences to the rides. Kinda frustrating but the rides were really expensive anyway. About $8 a ride.

On the way home we talked to some guys about immigration issues in Denmark. One guy stated that he thought that he wasnt racist but he thought that in 50 years the muslim population will make up 40% of the population and that we were going to have to "kill them off" because they would begin to want to much power. I took great offense to this but didnt show it at the time because I wanted to hear what he had to say. It was interesting I suppose. A lot of people feel that the Muslim population is becoming a problem. That is why we are here to experience the racism that is put on these select few individuals.

I have been spending a lot of money this week but I am treating this first week like my vacation and the time I am in school as my regular life. We have been around in Copenhagen enough now to know where to go for the cheap items such as bars, groceries, and coffee. I am getting to know my way around now.

Remember to keep checking my pictures on myspace. I am posting new pics all the time.

More to come!!

Friday, August 29, 2008

Walking... Walking... Walking...

Today I did so much walking. Denmark is this amazing place for walking. I walked into a little hippy community today. There was pot everywhere. I guess its allowed in that area but not in Denmark. There were signs everywhere stating that there was no use of "hard drugs" with pictures of pot leaves next to the signs. It was pretty interesting. The whole community was interesting. There were these public outdoor bathrooms everywhere that were pretty gross. There was also really cool art work that was painted everywhere. It was a cool place in all. It is a definate must see.

I had the most amazing pizza in my life here. I think that is about the same price as in the states but the taste is alot better. I think that they may have alot more Italian influence as far as their pizza is concerned.

I visited the red light district by accident today. We were just wondering through town and wondered onto the street lined with porn and hookers. Little weird but we got ourselfs out of there as fast as we could. There were also drug deals everywhere around us. It was weird.

I took a lot of pics today and some of my older ones are listed on my myspace page. The link for that is Feel free to visit that site as well. Most of my pics will be listed there.

More to come!

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Super Woman

Today in Copenhagen we just walked around alot. We did take our first bus ride to Ikea today. I bought all of my bedding for 342 kroners which is about $60. Thats good even for the states. The bus was an interesting situation. They have these things called a clip ticket that you use instead of money and you have to buy them for about $33 and there is ten trips. The thing that really bugs me about all of these tickets is that the clip that each clip (trip) only lasts for an hour. We played the "dumb american" today because we thought that they lasted for two hours but the bus driver said that they have bus police that come on and check the tickets to see if you paid correctly (bummer). So our little three hour outing cost us $7 in transportation alone. Oh well I'm over it.

One of the most interesting things about this country (amoung everything else I have talked about) is the amount of bike riders and the things that they are capable of doing on a bike. they hold hands, smoke, drink, juggle their groceries, and many other things while riding their bikes. I am absolutely amazed at all they can do. Im sure that since bikes are their main mode of transportation that they aquire these skills pretty easily. I find myself tripping over the bikes here constantly because they line every street and every cafe. Its kinda odd.

I start school on Monday. They expect us to be super women on that day. We have to take a train in from Copenhagen to Roskilde (about a 25 min. bus ride) then get off, walk to the school, go to the dorm office, sign contracts, drop our stuff off into our dorms, and then somehow run to class in the morning. I dont know how they do it here in Denmark, but I sure dont remember things being like that in America. I am kinda nervous about having to do it all in such a short amount of time. I will figure out a way somehow. Im just glad that there are other people that feel just as lost as I do in these type of situations. It may be weird going to school with people that are from all over the world. I am just very thankful that my classes are being taught in english, with the exception of my danish language class.

Will be posting more soon!

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Having fun

Today we just went to one of our friends apartments to see another part of Copenhagen. It was a really nice area. We went to a cafe called the Laundry Mat and they were having a second aniversary sale there and they were selling any coffee for only 2 kroners which is equivilant to about 40 cents. I was pretty excited about that because coffee here is seen as something that is to drink on special occations and is usually about $10 for a small shot. Things here typically way more expensive. There are some shops that are discounted you just have to hunt for them. There is an Ikea here, thank God. I have to buy bedding for my dorms.

Later tonight I will be meeting up with some people that arrived early in Denmark also. I think we may have a drink but they are so expensive. Last night I bought a drink for 75 kroners which is about $15. That was my mixed drink out. Its kinda weird not having to be carded for things here. Today I even seen a girl about the age of 13 smoking out in public. I thought that it was a little strange.

I am falling in love with Denmark. Everything here is great. I love it here.

More to come!

First couple of days

So the first few days in Denmark have been pretty interesting. I really like it here. If I could just move my husband out here I could totally live here for the rest of my life. I really enjoy everything here. There are so many beautiful people here. The culture is competely different. No one takes a second look at you and many people just go out by themselves. You rarely see groups of people together, except at night. At night you see hundreds of people crowded in bars and all over the streets. Another thing that is different here is the mode of transportation. Everyone here rides there bikes. There are bike lanes that are the size of the lanes for the cars. Another thing is that everything is in walking distance. Today I walked to the center of Copenhagen in about twenty minutes. I am sure that I will loose some weight because all I do is walk and most of the time I forget to eat.
Everything is amazing here. I feel like I dont have the hussle and bussle of the city bringing me down. Everything is so relaxed here. I feel like I can calm down and just enjoy life here without being so stressed. I just love it. The only thing that I wish was here was my family especially my Evan. I miss them so much already!
Blog soon, its about 1 am here and I need my rest!