Saturday, August 30, 2008

Concert at Tivoli

Sorry about not blogging yesterday I didnt get home until about 5am. I had a lot of fun yesterday. We went all around Copenhagen and had our first class meeting which seemed like it lasted for forever. I really enjoyed all we did yesterday.

One of the things that we did at night was we went to this concert in Tivoli Gardens and saw a 80's music Danish group. It was really fun to watch all the people singing to the music. There were people from all ages there. It seemed like everyone knew the songs, no matter what their age was. It was fun but really crowded. There was no walking just shoving and pushing. It only cost about $15 to get in which I though was pretty reasonable. We were going to ride some of the rides but we couldnt find any of the entrences to the rides. Kinda frustrating but the rides were really expensive anyway. About $8 a ride.

On the way home we talked to some guys about immigration issues in Denmark. One guy stated that he thought that he wasnt racist but he thought that in 50 years the muslim population will make up 40% of the population and that we were going to have to "kill them off" because they would begin to want to much power. I took great offense to this but didnt show it at the time because I wanted to hear what he had to say. It was interesting I suppose. A lot of people feel that the Muslim population is becoming a problem. That is why we are here to experience the racism that is put on these select few individuals.

I have been spending a lot of money this week but I am treating this first week like my vacation and the time I am in school as my regular life. We have been around in Copenhagen enough now to know where to go for the cheap items such as bars, groceries, and coffee. I am getting to know my way around now.

Remember to keep checking my pictures on myspace. I am posting new pics all the time.

More to come!!

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