Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Moving in

It has been an interesting couple of days. I moved from the apartment that we were staying at to a hostle then from the hostle to our long awaited dorms. Yesterday we walked over 5 miles with our luggage. My body is really tired from yesterday. It was a really long day, one that seemed like it wouldnt have an end.

When we finally got into our dorms, I discovered that they are really nice. I have a kitchenet, a bathroom, and a bedroom with two desks, a dresser, and a bed. All in all it is pretty nice. The dorm that I am in is the newest one on campus. I think that I will enjoy living here.

I have met some really interesting people while I have been here. Yesterday I met another girl from the states who was really home sick and had been here a week by herself. I like her and everyone else that we meet.

Roskilde is amazing. Its like being in the country compaired to Copenhagen. There is a nice town center that is a train ride away. They just recently built two grocery stores somewhat on campus. They are about a mile walking distance. A mile here doesnt seem like that much when you walk all the time. I know that I will be loosing weight here. I can feel that i have already.

There are some things that I have grown to miss. For one, the comfort and ease of a home cooked meal. At home you can just pop into a grocery store and get some food and make a great meal. Here its not that simple. You have to buy in little amounts because you have to carry everything home. You also have to pay for the bags here so most people bring their own. The grocery stores here are also a lot smaller and are a lot more expensive. It is really hard to find the things that you need here in the stores. Little things like that are taken for granted in the states.

Hope you enjoyed! More to come!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

That reminds me of New York City... Like the grocery stores in there are so small and expensive! But at least you can still buy a bag of oreos! Have you tried any weird Denmark food yet? I'm sure there's something... :)

Love you!
