Thursday, September 4, 2008

Getting settled

I never thought that getting settled in a different place would be so difficult. I feel like there is so much that needs to be done. I am lost in this new world. I went out and bought some things yesterday and the day before that would make me feel more at home. I bought some candles and cleaning supplies. I even rearranged my room so that it would feel like MY room not just a room that I am borrowing. I still feel very homesick....

Every time that I want to go somewhere I have to walk to get there. It is fine for now but it will start to get harder as the time goes by and the weather gets colder. I was thinking about joining a gym, but I have to walk there too and I dont know if I would be motivated enough to walk there every day to every other day. Its 299 kroner a month which is about $60. It is the most amazing place that I have ever seen though. There is a huge pool and hot tub, a sauna, of course the work out macines, all the work out classes you could possibly ask for, tanning, and personal training sessions. Its a pretty amazing place. I dont know it I could get up and go work out all time though. There is a gym on campus but I dont know what it is like. Maybe today I will go check it out. Its only $20 a month and I dont think that I have to pay an starting fee. The other gyms starting fee is $60 which is a lot!

So this really horrible thing happened the other day. The girls and I were getting off the train and a woman was trying to get on and she placed her hand in the door and was proceeding to move her body in as well and they slammed the door on her hand. The conductor saw what had happened and simply told her it was too late to get on the train. Another passenger had to come and pull her hand out of the door before the train started to move. I was appauled that the conductor didnt do anything or even cared to do anything. We talked about this in one of our classes. In this country, everyone is to look out for themselves. They are to take responsibility for themselves. They have no seatbelt laws or laws about food quality. I have seen many times the people that are preparing my food for me touch it with their hands or drop the food on the ground. Everyone is to look out for themselves. Its just so different then what I am used to.

More to come! Stay tuned!

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