Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Danish Class

I cant believe the difference in teaching styles here compaired to the states. In my spanish classes that I took in college, there was usually a week or two of intro to the language. Then we would move on to talking to eachother in small conversations. Not here. No it is far different. My teacher started the class by asking every person in the room what there name was in danish. No english explainations and there was a lot of frustration when we had no clue what she was saying. Then we had to answer where we were from, our nationality, and what language we spoke with little to no explaination in front of the whole class. I was really stressed the whole time.

I dont think that I will be attending any more danish classes anytime soon. That was the most high stress situation I have been in for a while. I dont need all that added stress in my life. Got enough of that without the danish classes.

On top of it being utterly horrible, it was three hours long. Pretty frustrating.

After class I made taco's out of danish versions of mexican food and meat. It was... different. Was not anything like cooking in the states. It was interesting though. No way to compair the two.

The rest of my day was pretty dull. Watched the end of weeds on my computer and that was about it. Not a great end to an already pretty bad day. I miss home...

Write soon!

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