Saturday, September 6, 2008


I went to my first real class yesterday and was offended the whole day. There was such a sense of the Danish people being the best "type" of people. The teacher, I felt, was completely ignorant to issues that were occuring around the world. She said things like being gay is a complete choice and that we can end racism with having laws that state that you cant say anything racist. When I asked if Denmark had freedom of speach she said that it was the country that was most open about the freedom of speach. It sounds like to me that if you make racial statements illigal that the people have less right to the freedom of speach. I am completely for the ending of racism but this teacher thinks that it will end with legal reform. I was just completely frustrated with the whole class. She made statements that were presented as facts instead of stating that they were her opinion. I felt like I didnt learn anything in that class other than patients. I guess they just teach differently in Denmark...

I did talk to this guy yesterday that is danish and he stated that the women in Denmark have more rights then the men do. I thought that that was interesting since the women in the US hardly have any rights. A woman has complete control over her body and has say in every issue in her life. Now if we could take women having no rights in the US and women having more rights in Denmark and somehow created a happy medium, maybe there could be equality between women and men. That would be great!

I am thinking about taking a job on campus but I dont know yet. There is a possition opening in the copy room, but its kinda nice just to be able to focus on my studies while I am here. The extra money would be nice though...

Yesterday I went to a dance club and had a blast! It was nice to be able to just hang out with my girlfriends and dance the night away. I really enjoy dancing, but I dont enjoy danish music much. Its a lot of techno. They did play a few American song though like Candy Shop and I kissed a girl, but that was about it. It was still a lot of fun.


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