Friday, November 21, 2008

Let it snow...

Oh the weather outside is frightful,

But the fire is so delightful,

And since we've no place to go,

Let It Snow! Let It Snow! Let It Snow!

It doesn't show signs of Stopping,

And I've bought some corn for popping,

The lights are turned way down low,

Let It Snow! Let It Snow! Let It Snow!

When we finally kiss goodnight,

How I'll hate going out in the storm!

But if you'll really hold me tight,

All the way home I'll be warm.

The fire is slowly dying,

And, my dear, we're still good-bying,

But as long as you love me so,

Let It Snow! Let It Snow! Let It Snow!

It is snowing here in Denmark! I have been sick all day long, and was getting really frustrated at the people yelling out my window. I went to look at what they were yelling at and there was close to a foot of snow on the ground!

I was supposed to be going to Berlin this weekend, but got miserably sick and couldn't go. I was very disappointed all day long but the snow has cheered me up a little. I cant believe that it is only November 21, 2008 and it is already snowing! Before we came, our teachers had told us that there was a slim to no chance that we would see snow. I am really glad that they were wrong!


Tuesday, November 18, 2008

28 Days to go!

There are only 28 more days until I come home. The time has gone by so fast!

I just found out that I have to be out of my dorm on the 15th of December and my flight doesn't leave till the 16th. Oh well one day in a hostel it is!

This last weekend I went to Sweden with some friends. I had a really good time. The dollar has been slowly increasing and Sweden was a lot cheaper than Denmark which was really nice. Also I didn't have to pay for some things because it was kinda a school trip so the school payed for some of it. I liked it and had lots of fun.

Recently I went to a Woodland rave party. It was amazing!

Hopefully that video works. Those were some of the photos that I took at the party. It was absolutely amazing!

So not to go on and on about homework but I only have 2 more weeks to write this 50 page paper. All of my classes are over and we are supposed to be focusing on this paper and I am finding it harder and harder to want to focus on it. There are so many other things that I would rather be doing then school work :)

This coming weekend I am going to Berlin with my friends. I am pretty excited. I have always wanted to go to the Holocaust museum in Berlin and now I am going to be able to go. We are only going for about 2 days but it should be fun none the less.

I am going to be so happy to be going to school at UW again. The last teacher I had here was completely offensive and most of her information was incorrect. I felt like I was learning absolutely nothing and wasting my time!

Anyway enough ranting. MORE TO COME!

Saturday, November 1, 2008

Its been a long time...

There has been so much that has gone on in my life since I last blogged.

For one, there was this HUGE 12 page paper that was to be done in a week. It was the hardest paper that I have ever done in my life. We had to write on one part of one of the lectures that we had during the duration of our schooling. It was so hard. I don't even think that the teachers could have wrote a 12 pg paper on their lecture. Now we got the results back and pretty much everyone has to re due their papers. Oh well... I will just have to give it another shot.

I toured the UK recently. It was amazing. My friend Mili and I went to Dublin, Belfast, Edinburgh, Manchester, and London. We did all that in 11 days. It was a really good experience for both of us. We met so many great people and learned a lot about the conflicts that each country has against each other. I was really happy that I was able to go to so many different places in 11 days. I think that we spent our time wisely and had the most fun that we could have possibly had in that short amount of time.

We did so many events in that time. We went on 2 pub crawls, a ghost tour, an amazing amount of clubs, visited castles, optical illusion museums, history museums, the London eye, the interactive haunted history of London, and much more. We had an amazing time!

Yesterday was Halloween and our dorm through a huge party. I had a really great time. There must have been 100 people crammed into a little kitchen. For Halloween I went as Dorthy from the Wizard of Oz. It turned out to be a pretty big hit. Everyone loved it. There were some really crazy outfits last night too. One of my friends went as a bag of jelly beans. I have to say that it was pretty stinkin cute :)

So if you want to see pictures of my trip just go to my myspace. There are many pictures there from Denmark and my UK trip. My myspace address it