Saturday, November 1, 2008

Its been a long time...

There has been so much that has gone on in my life since I last blogged.

For one, there was this HUGE 12 page paper that was to be done in a week. It was the hardest paper that I have ever done in my life. We had to write on one part of one of the lectures that we had during the duration of our schooling. It was so hard. I don't even think that the teachers could have wrote a 12 pg paper on their lecture. Now we got the results back and pretty much everyone has to re due their papers. Oh well... I will just have to give it another shot.

I toured the UK recently. It was amazing. My friend Mili and I went to Dublin, Belfast, Edinburgh, Manchester, and London. We did all that in 11 days. It was a really good experience for both of us. We met so many great people and learned a lot about the conflicts that each country has against each other. I was really happy that I was able to go to so many different places in 11 days. I think that we spent our time wisely and had the most fun that we could have possibly had in that short amount of time.

We did so many events in that time. We went on 2 pub crawls, a ghost tour, an amazing amount of clubs, visited castles, optical illusion museums, history museums, the London eye, the interactive haunted history of London, and much more. We had an amazing time!

Yesterday was Halloween and our dorm through a huge party. I had a really great time. There must have been 100 people crammed into a little kitchen. For Halloween I went as Dorthy from the Wizard of Oz. It turned out to be a pretty big hit. Everyone loved it. There were some really crazy outfits last night too. One of my friends went as a bag of jelly beans. I have to say that it was pretty stinkin cute :)

So if you want to see pictures of my trip just go to my myspace. There are many pictures there from Denmark and my UK trip. My myspace address it



Anonymous said...

I am so glad the you are able to experience so many different things that life has to offer. You would never have been able to see or feel any of these things here at home....sometimes we need to get away from our stuff to make decisions about our stuff....Holly I am behind you in all you do, decisions that you make and your way of make a Dad proud!

luv ya!

Holly Would said...

Thank you Dad! I love you!