Yesterday the Korrallan house (the dorms I live in) decided to have a futuristic party. It was pretty fun. Because we are an international dorm, there are people from all over the world here. It was really interesting to see what the different cultures definition of the future was. I liked looking at everyones outfits. Many were similar to the Jetsons. It was fun.
We had to take my friend to the hospital today. She ended up being fine. After the hospital we went to get her medicine from the pharmacy and it was amazing. They have this huge upstairs room filled with all the medicine and robot type machines got the different medicine and then it came down a slide. You got to see the robots at work from a huge TV that was in the pharmacy. It was pretty freakin cool. It felt like I was really in the future.
Pretty much all of today was boring. Did a lot of homework and got ready for the week. I did look up information on Lego Land. I am thinking about going soon. It is about two hours away from where I am. Its like a huge Disneyland made out of legos. I think its pretty cool.
I booked my tickets to Ireland, Scottland, and London! I booked all the hostels also. I am really excited about this. Mili and I are going to see some amazing things. We are definately going to a few castles while we are there. It is completely free to go to them. Here is a link to one that we are going to in Dublin, Ireland. Its amazing. Check it out if you want. http://www.dublincastle.ie/
Well I think thats all. More to come.